Adha Eid Movies 2024

    El Leab Maa El Eyal

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    After being transferred to a school in a desert region, Allam, a history teacher, faces some unanticipated challenges.

    Welad Rizk 3: El Qadia

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      • مصري
      • +16

    After many years, the brothers have chosen different paths in life. However, a ghost from the past reappears one day to cast a shadow over Rizk's boys, compelling them to return to a life of crime and theft to save themselves in their history's riskiest and most crucial operation.

    Esabet El Max

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    El Maxiky is accustomed to carrying out theft and smuggling operations alone without help. However, he gets embroiled in a major operation that requires outside assistance but eventually discovers that those he chose for help are implicating him in problems that threaten the operation's success.