Hala Fakher Denies Claims that She has Donned the Veil

  • News
  • 05:19 PM - 29 September 2010
  • 2 photos

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Actress Hala Fakher has denied claims that she has adopted the veil after she had appeared wearing the veil as of late at a wake held for departed director Salah El Sakka, father of actor Ahmed El Sekka. In her statement, Fakher has said: “I had applied a cream to my hair and, moreover, a wake is a holy occasion which requires deference and respect along with appropriate attire. I would like to clarify that although I have put on the veil for several of my latest scenes, this does not imply that I am planning to don the veil.”With regards to considering adopting the veil, Fakher clarified: “All women think about this matter but when the one concerned is a performer a certain amount of clatter follows due to public interest in celebrities’ lives. If I were to consider wearing the veil one day, I would not retire from acting – sustenance and livelihood come from God alone.” With regards to the troubles faced by some female performers following their decisions to don the veil and the subsequent retirement of a few of them, Hala has remarked: “I will not make judgments about others for this is a personal matter. Moreover, the women in question could be undergoing particular circumstances that push them to don the veil or remove it.”On another note, Hala has also added that she is at present studying three new screenplays but has declined to disclose their names pending her decision to choose one.

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