A Special Performance of “Khalty Safiyah wa Al Deer” (“My Aunt Safiyah and The Monastery”) for Church Members

  • News
  • 12:01 PM - 30 September 2010
  • 2 photos

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The Art House Theater has dedicated Saturday, 10 pm, for a special performance of “Khalty Safiyah wa Al Deer” for Church members, journalists, critics and regular audiences. The event is part of the activities for the day that are intended to promote national unity.Eminent writer Bahaa Taher – the screenplay’s author – will also be honored at the occasion. Dr. Ashraf Zakky, the Head of Cultural Production and President of the Art House Theater is expected to be in attendance.The play is adapted from a novel by the same name authored by pen-name Bahaa Taher. The play was produced by Hamdi Zeidan and features the talents of Sabreen, Ashraf Tulba and A’li A’bd Al Raheem.The theatrical production presents the story through a new perspective with a folklore-musical context that reflects popular tradition. The play depicts the relationship of equals that should prevail between Muslims and Christians – a relationship based on love, forgiveness and compassion. This concept is presented through a female that represents the traditional Egyptian woman.

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