Tunisian Durra Supports the Egyptian Revolution

  • News
  • 11:08 AM - 7 February 2011
  • 1 photo

Following her support for the revolution in Tunis, the youthful actress Durra has expressed her pride for Egypt’s youth who have led an uprising since the 25th of January, 2011 demanding their rights. Durra has indicated that she considers Egypt to be her second home and that that is the reason why she is sensitive to the elation and pain of the Egyptian people. Furthermore, Durra is proud of what the Egyptians have achieved. Durra was also proud of her Tunisian brethren.Durra has added: “Despite the incidences of theft, bullying and vandalism I nonetheless feel safe seeing as youths have worked together to protect their homes. This has proven that Egyptians can work together in the face challenges and adversity.”

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