Ahmed al-Sobkky replaces “Share’ al-Haram” (al-Haram street”) with “The Revolution of the 25th of January”

  • News
  • 11:39 AM - 2 March 2011
  • 1 photo

Ahmed al-Sobkky, producer of “Share’ al-Haram” (“al-Haram Street”), has decided to delay shooting the series which was to star Jumana Murad. The producer has cited the present climate of Egypt for the decision which he explains makes the time unsuitable for such a production. Al-Sobkky has also clarified that he is looking for a screenplay that focuses on the events of the revolution so that he could adopt that as a production project over the coming period. The decision to delay the production has come after Jumana had taken numerous lessons in dancing as she was set to portray a dancer in the work. The role had been refused by Summaya al-Khashab who got into a small clash with the producer after contradictory journalistic accounts.

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