Legendary Lebanese singer “Fayrooz” sues to stop the series “AL shahroora” from playing on television.

  • News
  • 10:34 PM - 29 July 2011
  • 5 photos

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The Series “Al Shahroora” has started facing problems even before playing on tv when singer Fayrooz decided to sue the production team “Sabah Brothers” in Beirut. She had recently been assured that the series will not mention anything about her life or her husband’s life “Assi El Rahbani” The series is a biography of the legendary Lebanese actress Sabah. The daughter of Fayrooz “Reema El Rahbani” had contacted producers of the series earlier and said they were always nice to her and reassuring her that her parents are mentioned in different names and there is no display of their personal lives. Fayrooz is suing to terminate the series unless the parts that concern her and her husband are not cut out.

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