Sherif Monir might joing Ahmed Ezz in the movie “Aziz’s Dream”

  • News
  • 08:22 AM - 13 October 2011
  • 2 photos

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Ahmed Ezz is currently holding workshops with script writer Nader Galal and director Amr Arafa to discuss the fine details of his new movie “Aziz’s Dream”. Ahmed refused to give out any details of the movie and said that all the information about the movie will be given out when the rest of the cast have been chosen for the movie. According to “Al Yoom Al Sabei” newspaper the other star opposite Ezz will be Sherif Monir. As for the female star, she has not been chosen yet. Ezz added that he will not start shooting his movie “Aziz’s Dream” until he is done with his scenes in his current movie “The Interest” with director Sandra Nashaat.Ahmed Ezz’s recent movie was “365 Days of Happiness”, which was released one day after the revolution and thus did not make any revenues at all because of its release in that critical time. As for Sherif Monir his most recent movies was “Cousins” for director Sherif Arafa, and it was a big hit in the box office.

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