Video and photos of Meryl Streep getting ready for a third Oscar with “The Iron Lady”

  • News
  • 01:42 PM - 9 December 2011
  • 5 photos

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Although “The Iron Lady” movie directed by Phyllida Lloyd has not been released in the cinemas yet but a few minutes of its trailer, most of the public and critics have expected that the great actor which is the most nominated for an Academy Award in history Meryl Streep is on her way to win a third Oscar.The film revolves around the famous British Prime Minister character Margaret Thatcher that is considered the first and only lady that has been in charge of the Kingdom presidency for 11 years from 1979 till 1990. The film is exposed to political aspects and conflicts that she fought during that period, as well as aspects of her life.Although some of the criticism that was directed to the work immediately after the release, of those who are used to see their Minister nothing else but strong and attacked some of the moments that showed her weakness in the scenes, but everyone has agreed on the performance of Meryl Streep that she send Thatcher to the screen.The film will be commercialized on 13th of December within the United States to reach the Academy Awards nominations, while it will be released in United Kingdom on 6th of January, 2012.Meryl won the Academy Award twice, first in 1979 as best assistant actor for her film “Kramer vs. Kramer”, the second in 1982 for “Sophie’s Choice” and was nominated 14 times and will become 15 after the announcement of nominations for the next Oscar and perhaps a third win in the same event.

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