Magdi Saber denies the withdrawal of actress Abla Kamel from “Selsaal Al Dam”

  • News
  • 05:24 PM - 12 January 2012
  • 1 photo

Script writer Magdi Saber denied all that was published by the press about the fact that actress Abla Kamel withdrew from the series “Selsaal Al Dam”. He stated that Abla had already signed the contract for the series; however, this does not mean that she can’t be involved in other series simultaneously. He also added that by the end of January they will commence filming the series. So far they have chosen Riyad El Khooly, Hady El Gayar, Ola Ghanem and Fadya Abdel Ghani to be part of the cast for the series. The series will be directed by Mustafa El Shaal and produced by Oscar Productions.He also added that the outdoor filming will include areas of Upper Egypt. Magdi explained that he is not concerned in terms of security for himself and the cast and crew, since that obstacle can be handled through police protection of hiring special security to be available during the filming

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