Director of the Actors Union eliminates Tamer Hosni and Amr Diab from the Revolution celebration, and awaits Mohamed Monir.

  • News
  • 05:02 AM - 14 January 2012
  • 2 photos

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Iman El Bahr Darwish, director of actors union announced that the union is intending to organize a major concert to mark the first anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, that took place on the 25th of January 2011 and led to the down fall of the regime of ex President Hosni Mubarak. The celebration should take place in Tahrir square. In a declaration to Al Sherook newspaper, Darwish stated that the celebration will be coordinated with the ministry of culture. This is considered one of the main roles of the union, to take over and organize the important celebrations that mark the Egyptian history.Most of the participants will be young artist such as Hamza Numira, West El Balad, Kareoki, Aziz El Shafie and Ramy Gamal. While big names such as Amr Diab, Tamer Hosni and Sherin Abdel Wahab were excluded from the list due to their previous attitude that opposed the revolution. Darwish also considered this exclusion fulfilling the desire of the people in Tahrir. Darwish explained that he did not speak to Mohamed Monir, who was one of the artists who strongly believed in the revolution, because he knows Monir’s preference of performing solo. However, added Darwish , if Monir wishes to join the celebrations it will be something of great value and appreciated by many.

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