"Banat El Amm" is a different surprising comedy

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  • 12:37 PM - 6 February 2012
  • 1 photo

The successful trio Ahmed Fahmy, Hisham Magid and Chiko made us remember Salah Jahin's expressing words in describing happiness :"God, perpetuate us with the grace of amazement " what expressing words said by Salah Jahin in describing each new innovation. The famous trio is able to present new and unusual ideas even in reraised subject. "Tima" dealt with the subject of transforming women into men, in a completely different way than what Maly Zayed presented in her film "The Gentlemen". Through their film"Banaat El Amm" our trio succeeded in providing us with a great dose of laughs with a very height performance. Each one of them outperformed the other when they played the role of women. The film depends on fantasy so we find the illogic events like the transformation or the adoption of a business man on children to run his empire, the family title which deprived him of the palace restoration and his salvation from the curse are acceptable and inline with film context leaving the end of the movie as a surprise. Moreover Ahmed Samir Farag succeeded in imposing his personality on the film and presenting his major piece of work after" the broadcast of love, and dearest friends" representing a very successful cooperation with the trio. Edward remain the only weakness point of the movie with his artificial acting.He failed to keep up with events and depended on the same traditional performance while the honorary roles of Salah Abdullah, and Yousra El Lozi were better. "Banaat El Amm" is a fresh cinematic meal that you should have in those days to remove some of your concerns where the craziest ideas are showed in a gentle way without contempt. "Banaat El Amm" worth seeing, and the filmmakers deserve a salute.

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