Rola Saad celebrates the beginning of filming (Al Bahr wa El Atshana) with the heroes of the series

  • News
  • 02:32 AM - 9 February 2012
  • 5 photos

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The working team of series "Al Bahr wa El Atshana" celebrated the beginning of shooting the series starring the Lebanese singer Rola Saad in her initial experiences with the Egyptian TV drama.All the series team of attended the celebration including :Ahmed Fahmi, Ragaa El Gedawi, Marwa Al-Khatib, Rania Naguib, Iman Abu-Dahab, Aida Ghoneim, Doaa Ahmed, Ahmed El Samahi while the actor Mahmoud Kabil didn't come because he was busy with other work.. The series was written by Mohammed Ghaity and directed by Wael Fahmi Abdul Hamid .The celebration was limited in cutting a cake, which carried pictures for the series heroes; afterwards Rola took some photos with the series working team. She declared that she is playing the role of a girl named "Jasmine" whose dad is Lebanese and her mom is Egyptian. She came to Cairo to look for her mother. During her journey she meets a young radical who refuses her love at the beginning but afterwards she faces many interesting details. On the other hand, Ahmed Fahmi plays the role of a young man named "Joseph" who belongs to a radical Islamic group making him refuses Jasmine's love "Rola Saad".According to Mohamed Ghaity author of the series, that the work reveals the corruption of the previous regime, also it deals with the rigging elections and its subsequent crises leading to "revolution of January 25," which revealed the of the political, economic, social corruption in Egypt.

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