Mohamed Henidy starts shooting Tita Rahiba

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  • 10:10 AM - 21 March 2012
  • 1 photo

The famous comedian actor Mohamed Henidy starts today shooting some scenes from his first new film "Tita Rahiba"-"My terrible Grandma" in "El Nahas" studio- El Cinema city.According to the director Sameh Abdel Aziz, the cast should stop working on Thursday and Friday in order to continue shooting at El Ezba studios in Shabramant.The movie is written by Youssef Maaty, directed by Sameh Abdel Aziz and is starring Emy Samir Ghaneim in addition to the great actress Sameha Ayoub.The film tells the story of a young man who is living with his dominating grand mother. She controls his life while he tries to escape her leading to some funny situations.

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