Kenda Aloush is happy with the reception "33 yom" has got

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  • 04:14 PM - 1 May 2012
  • 1 photo

Kenda Aloush expressed her utmost pleasure with the great success her film "33 yom" or "33 days" has achieved, the film is considered one of the biggest productions in Lebanon recently as it discusses the Israeli invasion on Lebanon back in 2006.The film is also starring Carmen Labes, Bassem Maghnia and Youssef El-Khal and is directed by Gamal Shorjeh.Kenda wasn't present at the film's premiere due to her involvement with the filming of her series "Ala Kaf Afreet" or "On the edge", which is written by Yehia Fekry and directed by Kamal Mansour, in which she stars alongside Khaled El-Sawy.Kenda is currently waiting for the release of her new film "El Maslaha" in which she stars alongside Ahmed El-Saqa, Ahmed Ezz, Hanan Tourk, Zeina and Salah Abdallah. The film is written by Wael Abdullah and directed by Sandra Nashaat.Kedna confirmed she won't be participating in any other TV series in Ramadan other than "Ala Kaf Afreet" and "El Baltagy" or "Bully" starring Asser Yassin and directed by Khaled El Hagar.

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