People of Max quarter participate in "El Saqr Shahin"

  • News
  • 09:05 AM - 30 May 2012
  • 3 photos

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Crew for "El Saqr Shahin" led by director Abdel Azeez Hashad will spend 10 days in Alexandria to film exterior scenes. Scenes are being filmed west of Max quarter where the series take place. People of the quarter were happy to welcome the crew and were very helpful, and they even insisted to participate in the scenes instead of using extras which was welcomed by the director as he thought it gave authenticity to the scenes.Actors participating in the scenes are Tayem El-Hassan, Rania Farid Shawqy, Ahmed Zaher, Ahmed Khalil and many others.He added that after those scenes they moved to Glim area, then to the ridge to film a couple of scenes as well as scenes between Rania and Tayem at El Lesan area, then to Qaitbay castle, to wrap it all up by the end of the month.

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