Fire & Mud on their way to the Country District in the Media Production City.

  • News
  • 07:53 AM - 31 May 2012
  • 1 photo

The cast and crew of the new series “Al Nar W Al Teen – Fire & Mud” are currently filming scenes in the Cairo Sound for Audio & Visual studios in Abaseya after their return from Luxor were they spent three days shooting within the natural country sides. The cast will then go to the Media Production City to shoot scenes in the Country District for actors Mais Hamdan, Yasser Galal and Engy Abdallah. “Al Nar W Al Teen” is written by Anwar Abdel Mogheeth, directed by Ahmed Fahmi Abdel Thaher and also stars Bothayna Rashwan, Ghada Ibrahim, Hadi El Gayar, Madline Tabar, Sami Maghawry and Nagwa Foad.

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