Ramy Sabry's new album out after ten days from Eid.

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  • 12:06 AM - 29 July 2012
  • 1 photo

Even though producer Tareq El Eryan and singer Ramy Sabry agreed to release Ramy's new album on the first day of Eid El Fitr; but El Eryan decided to release it after ten days from Eid.Ramy and El Eryan are working on the final touches of the album as all the songs are recorded and they are choosing which ones they shall record music videos for them.The songs were all composed by Ramy, and he worked with poets Ahmed Ali Mousa and Tamer Hussein and composers Tareq Tawakul, Fahd and Hassan El Shafei.On the other hand, Ramy is willing to travel to Mekkah for Umrah since the release of his album was delayed.

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