Magdi Ahmed Ali: Amr Waked is not honest and nothing but a big mouth!

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  • 09:20 PM - 18 January 2013
  • 1 photo

In an exclusive statement to , director Magdi Ahmed Ali denied all rumors about Amr Waked's withdrawal from the upcoming series "Maddah El Amar" after the Media Production City forced him to co-produce the series.

Magdi said that Waked asked to participate in the series production and after negotiations with the Media Production City who agreed for his request, he surprised everyone and disappeared before signing the contract.

"Amr Waked is an unreliable person and dishonest", said Magdi."He wasted our time with his big mouth and clearly he was only after the money but when he found another project, which he thought was better, he abandoned us!"

Magdi added that within a week they will announce who will portray the late Baleegh Hamdi in the series.

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