61st Catholic Cinema Center Festival launches 4 March

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  • 12:37 PM - 20 February 2013
  • 1 photo

Organizing committee of the Catholic CinemaCenter Festival announced that its 61st edition will launch on 4March with five films competing on its awards.

Films in competition are"Teta Rahiba" (Horrible Grandma), "Saa Wa Nos" (An Hour& a Half), "Baad Al Mawqea" (After the Battle), "MosawerAteel" (Murdered Photographer) and "Geddo Habiby" (My LovelyGrandpa).

The judging committee holds within it cinematicprofessional like Dr. Doreya Sharaf El Din, cinematography director RamsisMarzouq, cinema critic Magdi El Tayyib, actress Ghada Adel and director SherifArafa.

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