Tom Cruise Pioneers Russian Social Network, Vkontakte

  • News
  • 12:58 AM - 24 March 2013
  • 1 photo

Tom Cruise became the first Hollywood star to launch a page on the Russian social networking site Vkontakte, which translates to "in contact." The site has over 40 million users, nearly 10 times as many as Facebook. The " Mission Impossible" star, who is currently promoting " Oblivion," tweeted excitedly about the new page, adding a "See you there!" in Russian.

The Russian box office's growth has apparently not been hampered by global economic downturn, with box office income rising last year by 8% to $1.3 billion, the ninth-highest in the world. It is expected to grow another 9% this year.

After setting up the page on Friday, Cruise made 16,000 virtual friends within two days. Smart moves, Cruise.

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