Randa el-Behery Calls for Morsi to Step Down with Millions in Tahrir

  • News
  • 12:34 PM - 30 June 2013
  • 1 photo

Actress Randa el-Behery has released a statement to that she is taking part in today's anti-Morsi protests in conjunction with the Tamarod (rebellion) campaign. She is in Tahrir Square calling for the fall of the failed Brotherhood rule, which she says has only its own political interests in mind, not the interests of the Egyptian people.

Randa added that she went out to protest today in Tahrir not only to defend the freedoms of artists and intellectuals, but to call for the removal of President Morsi and the Freedom and Justice Party, and to defend freedom and social justice, which were the original demands and rallying cries of the January 25 revolution over two years ago.

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