Engy Abdallah, Akram Farid and Tetyana Echo Calls for Morsi to Leave

  • News
  • 03:32 AM - 1 July 2013
  • 1 photo

Actress Engy Abdallah is joining millions of Egyptians who've poured out onto the streets in defiance of President Mohamed Morsi, demanding his resignation and early elections. Abdallah posted a photo of herself, director Akram Farid and his wife, Lebanese singer Tetyana on Facebook at demonstration yesterday. The three marched from Mostafa Mahmoud to Tahrir Square.

In the picture, they have red tags around their necks that say "erhal" (leave), peace signs in the air, and joyfully defiant looks on their faces. Engy also wrote on her Facebook page that the march was absolutely peaceful and beautiful, and there was nothing to fear. She encouraged everyone to come down to the street and join the protests.

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