Wael Jassar Releases "Masr Horra," A Tribute to the Egyptian People

  • News
  • 12:00 AM - 15 July 2013
  • 1 photo

Following the mass demonstrations that began on June 30 and ended with the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi, stars across the region have released songs and statements celebrating the Egyptian people and their remarkable ability to mobilize in the millions to oust unpopular and ineffective leaders. The most recent one to do this is Lebanese singer Wael Jassar, who just put out "Masr Horra" (Egypt is Free).

The video for the song shows scenes of Egyptians pouring out onto the streets to express their opinions freely. The song also features a clip of interim military leader General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi talking about the military's dedication to protecting the people. The song was written by Nabil Khalaf, composed Walid Saad, and is being distributed by Arabica.
When Jassar is not serenading us in notes of Arab nationalism and people power, he is on set of one of this year's Ramadan shows, " Al Shak" (Doubt), which is currently airing on a number of satellite channels.

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