Title Content: Movie - El Bar El Tany - 2016


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A group of young men who live in a poverty-stricken village aspire to migrate to Italy seeking a better life. In their journey towards their dream life, they are faced with the treacherous waves of the Mediterranean Sea while boarding an old, worn-out boat and carrying no legal documents.


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A group of young men who live in a poverty-stricken village aspire to migrate to Italy seeking a better life. In their journey towards their dream life, they are faced with the treacherous waves of the Mediterranean Sea while boarding an old, worn-out boat and carrying no legal documents.

A group of young men who live in a poverty-stricken village aspire to migrate to Italy seeking a better life. In their journey towards their dream life, they are faced with the treacherous waves of the Mediterranean Sea while boarding an old, worn-out boat and carrying no legal documents.