Episodes: Series - Min Ayam Maliha - 2010

  • season 1
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Al-Dawy returns from Italy with hopes of working with Mostafa, who hires his relative, Mahgoub, who ends up robbing him. As Maliha asks Haydar to help her get a job at the insurance company, Haydar catches feelings for her and gives her his personal number.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

Mahgoub passes away after Mostafa poisons his tea. Even though the crime can not be proven, Mostafa's wife remains confident that he did it. The police arrest the guy who has been stealing sheep and selling them at the market on orders from Mostafa. Maliha and her friends decide to leave their lodgings.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Mostafa and his gang plot to steal sheep from Al-Tohamy's farm, but one of them tells Al-Tohamy's neighbor about the plot. As Haydar invites Maliha to dinner, he tries to give her money, but she refuses. Mostafa meets Abdel Barry's wheelchair-bound daughter, who is in love with him.


  • season 1
  • episode #4

4th Episode

The police decide to exhume Mahgoub for an autopsy after his sister reports that he was murdered. Mostafa and Al-Hady plot to exhume the body first and move it to another location. Maliha meets with her friend.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

5th Episode

As the police try to find out who poisoned Mahgoub, Mostafa tries to evade suspicions. Maliha moves in with Negma, whom she befriends after she learns that Haydar is the friend of Negma's boyfriend.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

6th Episode

As Maliha tries to contact Haydar, he evades her after his friend asks him to marry her. When they finally meet, he comes onto her, but she flees from the car. Arousiya asks Mostafa for a divorce, kicking him out of the house and asking his manager for help.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

7th Episode

As Haydar gets in an accident in his manager's car, he asks the guard to confess to plotting the accident in exchange for helping him finish his house and getting him a job at Al-Sadek's company. Maliha grows to hate Haydar. Anwar visits Maliha and promises her to help. Arousiya meets Abdel Barry.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

8th Episode

As Arousiya kicks Mostafa out, he spends the night in the company's warehouse. The police question Mostafa about Mahgoub's death. Al-Sadek reneges on his promise to the guard, Salem, and refuses to hire him. Salem comes clean to Haydar.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

9th Episode

As Maliha runs into Haydar at the company, she slaps him for smearing her name and telling her cousin that he was seeing her. The police catch a van used for smuggling that belongs to Abdel Barry, leaving him to consider replacing Mostafa with Al-Dawy.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

10th Episode

Al-Hady suspects that his wife is having an affair with Al-Dawy. As he invites Al-Dawy over and pretends to be drunk, Al-Hady's wife insults Al-Dawy and kicks him out. A knock on the door makes him think that Al-Dawy has returned, so he stabs the newcomer, only to discover that he stabbed his cousin.


  • season 1
  • episode #11

11th Episode

Al-Hady takes Anwar to the hospital, but flees before he gets arrested. Mostafa tells the police that Al-Hady is the one who killed Mahgoub. As Maliha is saddened when she learns about Anwar's injury, she moves out of Negma's house.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

12th Episode

As Anwar's condition grows worse, Mostafa looks for Al-Hady to turn him in to the police.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

13th Episode

Anwar passes away. Mostafa looks for Al-Hady in the forest. When Abdel Barry refuses to marry Arousiya, she steals important documents from his safe. Maliha tells Al-Sadek's wife about her husband's affair with Negma. As Maliha reconciles with Negma, they decide to take revenge on Haydar.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

14th Episode

When Khalil finds out the truth about Haydar, he suspends him and tells the lawyer to sue him. Arousiya threatens Abdel Barry using the files she stole. Mostafa tries to find documents to use against Abdel Barry after the latter replaces him with Al-Dawy.


  • season 1
  • episode #15


Abdel Barry's gang gets arrested. Mostafa is arrested after he gives Salem a procuration. Maliha starts working in Anwar's shop. Negma becomes a teacher. Al-Sadek asks Haydar to give him his house to make for the losses he caused him.
