Episodes: Series - Al Jamra 2 - 2021

  • season 2
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Manea's tribe searches for Fuhaid after he killed Sheikh Manea. Saad finds Ghaithan's gun at the tribe's borders, and Sheikh Raddad demands Jamra's share of her father's inheritance and asks Mubarak and Marei to get it done.


  • season 2
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

Sheikh Manea's wife dies amidst the tribe's grief over her, especially her daughter. Dahas asks Fuhaid to bring the head of Mashal, while Jamra suspects that Dahas had a hand in killing her father.


  • season 2
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Jamra quarrels with Sheikh Dahas and asks him to leave the tribe because he did not give her her inheritance, while Batishan believes that Ghaithan is dead and rejoices at his demise.


  • season 2
  • episode #4

4th Episode

Sheikh Raddad scolds Dahas for his poor treatment of Jamra and her husband, while an army of men is prepared to search for Batishan and Ghaithan's killer.


  • season 2
  • episode #5

5th Episode

Saada tells her husband that she is pregnant and he is surprised. Batishan invades Salloum's tribe on the same night that the men go to him and burn his tent.


  • season 2
  • episode #6

6th Episode

After recovering from his wound, Ghaithan goes out and looks for work, while Qronfol dreams that she slaughtered him and wakes up terrified. Dahas wants to kill Mashal by any means possible to win the tribal sheikhdom.


  • season 2
  • episode #7

7th Episode

Sheikh Marei refuses to appoint Dahas as sheikh of the tribe because the residents are dissatisfied with him. As Qronfol finds Ghaithan's clothes, she carries them and runs away from his father, while Mashal is thinking about getting rid of Nabhan.


  • season 2
  • episode #8

8th Episode

Batishan steals sheep from Manea's tribe, and Dahas pretends to be chasing him, while a guard overhears his conversation with Batishan and tells Sheikh Marei what he heard.


  • season 2
  • episode #9

9th Episode

Batishan detains Mashal in a cage, so Rumaih frees him while Batishan is leaving the place. Sheikh Marei confronts Dahas about his knowledge of the truth about his cooperation with Batishan in stealing sheep.


  • season 2
  • episode #10

10th Episode

Mashal kills one of Batishan's men while escaping, while Dahas believes that Mashal was the one who was killed, so he pretends to want revenge.


  • season 2
  • episode #11

11th Episode

Batishan wants to avenge Aabis. Rumaih rescues Mashal from Batishan and returns him to the tribe amidst the anger of Dahas, who is accused of sending Nabhan to kill Mashal.


  • season 2
  • episode #12

12th Episode

Rumaih tells Marei that Ghaithan did not kill Sheikh Salloum, so he decides to send Saqr to inform Lieutenant Colonel Abu Jaber. Mashal holds a feast in the tribe for his escape from Batishan, amid Jamra's joy at his return.


  • season 2
  • episode #13

13th Episode

Batishan is able to capture Rumaih at night and take him from the Manea tribe, while everyone in the tribe is surprised by his departure, unaware that he was kidnapped.


  • season 2
  • episode #14

14th Episode

A reconciliation is made between Lieutenant Colonel Hamoud and Lieutenant Colonel Abu Jaber after discovering that Suwayd is Ghaithan's killer. Batishan decides to throw Rumaih into the desert to die there.


  • season 2
  • episode #15

15th Episode

Jamra lives happily with her husband and his mother, and Dahas refuses to give up the tribal sheikhdom, while Qronfol helps a passerby fill water from the stream.


  • season 2
  • episode #16

16th Episode

Rumaih escapes again and Batishan demands that his men find him, while Suwayd leaves the tribe after the men from the two tribes meet to reconcile them.


  • season 2
  • episode #17

17th Episode

Suwayd leaves the tribe with his wife. Manea returns with his mother to the tribe amidst the anger of Dahas, who goes to Batishan and meets with Nabhan to search for a solution to get rid of Manea Jr.


  • season 2
  • episode #18

18th Episode

Dahas quarrels with Marei over his agreement to hand over the sheikhdom to Manea Jr. Qronfol tells her mother that she saw Ghaithan.


  • season 2
  • episode #19

19th Episode

Dahas gets angry about giving Jamra a share of the inheritance and believes that Mashal is the one who requested it, while Batishan mugs some passers-by.


  • season 2
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Saada goes with her husband to visit Jamra, and some skirmishes occur between her and Manea's mother, while Rumaih stays as a guest of a poor man in the desert.


  • season 2
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Batishan asks his men to bring Manea and Saqr to him. Dahas doubts Manea and asks Nabhan to investigate him.


  • season 2
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Batishan manages to arrest Saqr and Manea. Suwayd and his wife arrive at Manea's tribe, amid Jamra's astonishment and suspicion that Suwayd was the one who killed Salloum.


  • season 2
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Rumaih returns to the tribe and tells everyone that Suwayd was the one who killed Salloum. Manea Jr. tells the guard about his true identity and that he is not the son of Sheikh Manea.


  • season 2
  • episode #24

24th Episode

Marei sends to Sheikh Raddad and tells him the truth about Suwayd, while Batishan beats Manea for cursing him. Manea's mother fears for her son and asks Marei to search for him.


  • season 2
  • episode #25

25th Episode

Fuhaid quarrels with Suwayd, but he and his wife are able to tie him up and take his gun. Ghaithan confesses the truth to his friend, while Salloum’s father believes that Qronfol was the one who killed Ghaithan.


  • season 2
  • episode #26

26th Episode

Suwayd is arrested by the Salloum tribe, while Qronfol escapes. Batishan kills the guard defending Manea and Mashal returns to the tribe.


  • season 2
  • episode #27

27th Episode

Qronfol returns to the tribe and is happy that Suwayd has been arrested. Dahas tells Marei that Manea Jr. is not the son of Sheikh Manea.


  • season 2
  • episode #28

28th Episode

Sheikh Raddad confirms that Manea is not Sheikh Manea's son, so Dahas is appointed sheikh of the tribe. Ghaithan returns to his tribe and sleeps in his place, and in the morning, his father is surprised to see him.


  • season 2
  • episode #29

29th Episode

Batishan tries to harass Qronfol, and Ayed kills him. Salloum's tribe celebrates Ghaithan’s return.


  • season 2
  • episode #30


After Dahas and Nabhan attempt to poison Sheikh Marei, Dahas kills Nabhan to get rid of anything that condemns him, but the latter, before his death, tells Mubarak and the men the truth. As Mashal goes to Sheikh Raddad’s tribe to defend it with the men from the revenge of Batishan’s men, he's killed.
