Biographies: Kevin James - Actor


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An American comedian who was born on April 26, 1965 in New York. He attended State University of New York at Cortland, and played soccer there, and three years later he decided to join one of the theater troupes and got a comedic role in it. He also joined his brother Gary's comedy group. Kevin began touring with the band between clubs and theaters, and continued to provide stand-up comedy for 11 years. In 1982, he met the star Ray Roman, who nominated him for the comedy series Star Search (1983). James's real breakthrough was through the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal in 1996, and due to the great success he achieved, he was able to star in his own sitcom, The King of Queens (1998). Kevin became interested in cinema after that and participated in many comedic roles such as: Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Here Comes the Boom, and Grown Ups.